Joël de Rosnay et le Dragon

Posted 22 December 2015

This exchange took place between the Cité des Sciences and Japan. The first image of a wooden dragon from a temple in Fukui, Japan was transmiited to Paris by our Japanese partners. The second image of Joël de Rosnay, Director of International Relations at the Museum, in a virtual reality helmut was transmitted to Japan where it came back transormed by a Japanese artist. The the last image was the transformation of the Japanese image by a French artist. The Japanese had a hard time understanding why anyone would want to kill a dragon, the symbol of good luck.

1st image sent from Fukui, Japan

This photo of an architectual detail from a temple in Fukui was the first image sent from the Video Art Festival in Fukui, Japan.

2nd image sent from the Science Museum in Paris to Japan

Artist, Eric Barreau

Artist, Hiroshi Maeda

Artist, Olivier Lannaud