
Posted 17 December 2015

Souillac is a city in southern France, in the Perigord, where during the last half of the ’90’s several meetngs were organized to develop a series of projects dealing with art over the network. Three meetings were held between 1997 and 2000 eventually producing a number of specific projects leading to the creation of MARCEL and Global Threads as well as other initiatives for advancing the cultural occupation of the high bandwidth network. The documents produced, which became the heart of much of my personal engagement since, are posted here for anyone interested in an important step in the development of the artist’s presence on line.

The Souillac charter for Art & Industry
Chartre de Souillac pour Art et Industrie

Souillac II, Final Report
Souillac II, Rapport Final

Souillac III, Projects
Souillac III, Projets